Recover WiFi passwords on Android without root

If you had your Android phone for a while, you surely have many WiFi connections saved and you are used to have your phone connect to them automatically. But what if you are moving to a new phone? Or you have to give the password of your WiFi to someone else? Do you remember it? You probably have many WiFi passwords on your Android phone that you don’t remember. Well …  you are out of luck. 🙁

Unfortunately this is the first (and hopefully only for a long while) non-guide; I call it “non-guide” because simply trying to Recover WiFi passwords on an Android phone without root it is impossible. I am making this guide only as a testimony as many try to find a way and there are many “guides” out there that claim it is possible, but … they are wrong.

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Install and configure a firewall on Ubuntu

Laptops, smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, etc. … in the current era we hardly find an electronic device that isn’t connected to the Internet. It is very practical to have the full power of the Net at our fingertips, but unfortunately it is not without risks as the threat of being hacked is a real threat.
One of the best ways to mitigate this risk is to install and configure a firewall. Let see how to do it on Ubuntu.
Install and configure a firewall on Ubuntu

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Setup a network proxy on Ubuntu

With this guide we will see how to set a network proxy on Ubuntu. We have already seen how to setup Mozilla Firefox to use a proxy, how to setup Google Chrome to use a proxy, and how to setup any browser to use a SSH proxy, but by setting a network proxy on Ubuntu, all network applications will automatically use it.

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